The reading this week focuses on game stories and why narrative is important, as so far we have only read and researched about rules. ' A Practical Guide to A Hero's Journey ' is the first of our readings for this week and looks at how a hero's journey can shape the narrative of a game. In this article we look at the value of myths, as within society they teach us about ourselves, morals and how we should behave. Throughout history myths and stories have been used to encourage tribes and communities to be brave while hunting and fighting, and to believe that their deaths during war are good for the survival of their comrades. The same can be seen today with suicide bombers believing what they are doing is for the greater good and that they will go to their heaven and be with Allah. Narratives like these can be used to encourage entire countries to blindly follow the same ideologies. Germany after WW1 had severe problems with hyperinflation . Adolf Hitler took ...