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Having started with the three Unity tutorials I can say I am excited to delve further into game development over the next few weeks. The first tutorial is a bit slow and of course I sat there frustrated because I wanted to dive straight into making games but towards the end of the video it picks up a bit and we get into making basic hills on a blank terrain.
In the second tutorial we get into using assets and adding texture on to the terrain. I found this simple enough and was happy to play around with the brush tools and the opacity and height to create different hills, and to smooth them out or make them jagged. I am already getting ideas for how I can use this in future projects/game worlds and I can see how they utilised it in mountainous areas in games such as Skyrim. It was nice to use the dirt and grass textures to add colour to the world, even though they were quite basic looking to what would be in a finished game.
The third tutorial shows us how to walk around in our new environment. We also begin to add in trees around our mountainous area and the environment really begins to feel like a game. We also added in a gem and made it rotate by using Microsoft Visual Studio, which could be used as an object to collect during game play. I look forward to doing more in Unity in the near future as the next of Jimmy Vegas' videos includes adding water.
Hello Christopher Carnibus. It's great to finally get the opportunity to comment on your blog. After a thorough read-through of your post I can say that I am satisfy with your work so far and I hope you are enjoying the wide range of techniques that come with Unity3D !